Browse Items (257 total)

2.6.1Learning outcomes are stated and displayed

2.6.1 Learning outcomes are stated and displayed

Programme Outcomes PO.pdf
2.6.1 Learning outcomes stated and displayed

2020-2024_merged (1).pdf
2.6.3 Pass percentage of students during last five years

2019-2023_merged (1).pdf
2.6.3 pass percentage of the students during last five years

2018-2022_merged (1).pdf
2.6.3 Pass percentage of students during the last five years

2017-2021_merged (1).pdf
2.6.3 pass percentage of students for the last five years

2016-2020_merged (1).pdf
2.6.3 pass percentage of students for the last five years
University result of the year 2016-2022
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